XS Sea Cliff Choss and Attempted Murder by a Sheep

Sea Cliff Climbing in South West Wales and Mountain Cragging in Llanberis Pass. 

Last week I went with Paul Donnithorne to check out some of the esoteric sea cliffs of the Cardigan Coast. Fair to say that although there are some striking lines to go at, the shale rock has an inherently unstable nature. After a bit of abseil cleaning we walked away with two new HardVS's and a cheeky two pitch E2 I called Strong and Stable. All good fun if you like that sort of thing... 

On Tuesday and on the way up to North Wales I stopped back there to explore some other areas for future attention. On Wednesday I was out with Pat Littlejohn who was keen to check out some neglected parts of Llanberis Pass. The sun was out, warm, T.shirt weather. I climbed the first two pitches of Bable together, clipped into the belay and started taking in the ropes, what a lovely day. Out of the corner of my eye my attention was drawn to a white thing quickly role off a steep grass slope and free fall down a 30+m cliff. It was a sheep, a sheep had just fallen off the cliff! Before I could think to shout down to Pat an almighty crash of boulders and scree came up from below. "Pat!" I called down. Nothing. Fuck, that sheep has just landed on Pat Littlejohn! Luckily the ropes started to move again and eventually Pat reached the belay. Apparently he had just put his rock shoes on, stood up, moved 3m to the start of the climb just as the fully grown sheep had dive bombed into the rock that Pat had been sitting. It would have killed him if he had hung around for a further 10 seconds. Imagine the obituary... 

Great day out in the Pass though, Despite the potentially lethal clumsy sheep. It won't do that again...  


Pembroke Sea Cliff Climbing

A Day's Guided Sea Cliff Climbing  

Today was spent in the company of Steve, a climber of 30yrs and one that is keen on mileage and adventure - we soon were getting along like a house on fire. The weather was a bit rainy and wet to start, so with wild seas below we pick our way from Stennis Arete into Maelstrom Chimney and back into the upper section on Stennins Arete in four pitches. Soon the sun came out and the rest of the day was spent climbing Hercules, Manzoku and the poorly named Nightmare in two pitches. Thanks for the laughs Steve! 

Sunny Sea Cliffs Beckon

I’ve really been getting into Instagram lately - if you haven't realised already. Do you like Instagram?? 

Here’s some kickass shots from a month of work and play on the mountains of Scotland. Pretty wild weather for the most.  Looking forward to a season of sunny sea cliff climbing now. Come play with me :) 

Boldly Into 2017!...

Pembroke Sea Cliff Climbing 

Happy new year! Here’s a few shots from December’s work and play on the crags. Pretty good weather for mid winter really... Just hope Scotland comes into condition for when I head up to the hills at the end of Jan.  #WinterSufferingFun