Sea Cliff Climbing Courses

30% Off This Winter

It’s a misconception that during the winter months, outdoor climbing stops on the sea cliffs. In fact, during the winter is when I do most of my personal sea cliff climbing. Often I can be climbing in a T-shirt on the south facing cliffs above a tranquil sea, or by polar opposite - donning my thermals, clad in Gore-Tex, going full on adventure mode above thunderous waves and embracing the elements.

This winter season, I’ll be offering 30% off all Pembrokeshire based bookings, November - March. Come and join me for some wild winter adventures!

Pembroke Trad Big Hitters

Lovely video of travelling wads ticking some big numbers on Britains favourite sea cliffs. Enjoy... 

The idea was simple, four super strong rock climbers on a trad-climbing trip to South Wales. Jacopo Larcher, Barbara Zangerl, Roland Hemetzberger and Lara Neumeier head to Pembroke, a stunning coastline climbing venue with some very hard and beautiful Trad routes.



Pembrokeshire Rock Climbing Courses

Pembroke Sea Cliff Climbing 

This weekend saw Climb Pembroke running another BMC course on Sea Cliff Improvised Rescue training, for affiliate club members in North Pembrokeshire. Eight participants spent the weekend looking at various skills that can sort out minor problems, to full blown epics. The more I run these type of courses, the more I realise that these skills are so vital to climbers taking them selves into committing areas. Thanks everyone for coming and I hope you all feel a lot happier with your future climbing. 

Yesterday I was out with Alice, who wanted to brush up on her rope work and anchor set ups (also in North Pembrokeshire), Porthclais was heaving with groups, so we headed to a little known spot a short walk further on, to go through skills for the day. As with the rescue weekend, the weather was great and there were times I felt a bit too hot... Nice one Alice, it was great to catch some rays with you while boosting skills! 

Pembrokeshire Sea Cliff Climbing Work and Play

Rock Climbing in Pembroke

It's felt like a pretty busy climbing week - which is great! Four days guiding and skills courses; one in Penally with Louie, one in North Pembs' with John and son Edward, and two days with Will and Dan from Bristol in St. Govan's. Also out for some personal climbing adventures with Max. B and Edmund. M - both with some exciting moments! I'll let the photos do the talking...  

Work and Play - A Busy Few Days

At the end of last week I was out in the St. David's area with Allan, an experienced rock climber with over 40 years climbing experience. He was down in Pembrokeshire on holiday with his wife and was basically after a belayer who could also drop in some local knowledge so he could get leading some cool routes. After a very quick check that his skills were sound, it was over to him and I enjoyed a day of belaying and seconding brilliant routes :-) 

Over the weekend I was running an Introduction to Sea Cliff Climbing course for the BMC. This had three people on it: John, Malcolm and Rachael, who were all super keen to develop existing skills to feel happier pushing their limits in exciting places as well as being confident to take less experienced climbers out themselves. We covered lots of important skills and even got to climb some great routes too - Nice! 

On the Saturday evening, after work I also met up with Edmund and climbed a route that had been on my tick list for far too long - Lucky Strike at Rusty Walls. What a great route! If you've not done it yet, don't delay, do it today!!